
Weekend Blues...

Well took the weekend off...of blogging that is.  It will probably be what happens.  We had four games in four days beginning on Friday.

Friday started and ended good.  I unfortunately drank a lot of beer this weekend.  Something I normally don't do.  I am a liquor and diet girl for sure.

Nothing too interesting to say.  Worked out Friday, painted the Baseball press box on Saturday and by the time we were done it was a little too late to work out, Sunday the game started at 1 p.m. and I the gym didn't open until 10 a.m. plus I had to go get stuff for the spur of the moment Super Bowl shin dig that Pat decided to have.  No time for a work out there.  I did work out Monday though and it was a pretty good one.

Had an unexpected day off today so I have been super lazy.  I kind of wish I didn't have the day off because I would have worked out, but I don't want to run outside and I don't like the gym at the apartment complex.

Side note: made pulled pork for the party.  It was DELICIOUS!
5-8 lbs of pork (I used butt roast?!? - I think(
2 bottles of bbq sauce
1 onion (yellow or white)
Crock Pot

Trim the pork of fat as much as possible.  Dice up onion.  Put both in the crock pot on low for 6-7 hours, high for 4-5, but I recommend the low.
Put about a half of a bottle of bbq sauce on top and around the pork.
Fill the crock pot with water and cover.
Drain the water from the pot and put back the meat into the crock pot. Cover with the rest of the bbq sauce and shred with a fork.

Serve on Buns or dinner rolls cut in half as sliders.

Maybe more interesting thoughts will come to me this week. Until then...


Bright side...

The week ended on a good note; minus our basketball team being awful and probably ending up losing by 20-ish points.  I worked out today when I really thought I wasn't going to be able to.

Last night's dinner was beef stir fry. SO EASY and so tasty :)  Bag of frozen veggies.  I like broccoli, carrots and cauliflower.  I added mushroom and onion, garlic, teryaki sauce and small steak strips. One pan too.

Workout..interval run, followed by quick weight lifting (workout found here) and another pace run at 5.2 for 10 minutes.  Quick and easy and a battle. Man I had to tell myself to keep going at least 20 times during the run. But I did it and got ready just in time to look cute for the game. Ha!

So the other day on Facebook I posted a question: How do you get out of bed in the morning to work out?  Many answers were things I already knew...move your alarm clock, just remember how good it feels after you are done, etc.  Well the one thing that is different about where/how I work out and others. 

I work out at my work which means if I leave the house at 6:45 a.m. to go work out...there is a LARGE chance that I won't be back at my apartment until 6 p.m. or later.  EW!  I have gotten used to showering here for the most part, but I hate actually GETTING READY in the locker room.

I should be on track this weekend with working out though.  Three bball games so I will already have to be at work might as well workout before hand.

Soon I'm going to start think of some stuff to start blogging about (because in reality I have A LOT that I could) and adding pictures! WHOO!

Until then...keep kickin'


Streak already ended...

So today has been a very busy day.  I have been at the computer for all but 30 minutes and have only been to the restroom twice (TMI probably).  In that case...working out today has failed.  I may try to do the Wii when I get home because I haven't pulled that out in about two years.

Wanted to share this fun article...This is for the Ladies.  Stolen from St. Bonaventure Strength & Conditioning page (oh how I miss that smelly weight room)

It is really about strength training and losing weight/getting fit.  Very interesting indeed.  I used to think that if I ran three miles a day I would lose weight.  Well that didn't happen...So I definitely strength train and have changed the way I do it.

So on a side note...I think I said I have been getting AWFUL headaches lately...and I mean horrible.  Well I decided it was caused by caffeine or lack thereof.  So today I decided to get a Sweet Tea on the way to work and I did get a headache but it was later in the day and I didn't work out today...so I think all of that combined has something to do with it.  Either way I will continue to monitor it and get it figured out.

I need a new running playlist.  I look online for some suggestions and they all suck!  So if you have thoughts I'm down.  (Yes, I know no one really reads this yet). 

Days left to exercise in February: 16. 
Days in which I already know I won't because I need more than 24 hours in a day: 9

I guess I didn't do the math when I set my goal this month.  SHOOT. No biggie, I'll just do my best.

Peace Out Girl Scout - Gosh I hope I don't find any one selling those cookies this month.



Day 2...I could get used to this.

Well day two went well...so far.

Yesterday I was going to go to the beach with my friend for happy hour... that didn't work out so I made my dinner.  It was pretty bland, but I ate it and it was filling and healthy.  Whole wheat pasta (wwp), garlic olive oil, spinach, zucchini and squash topped with a little bit of shredded Parmesan cheese.

On top of that I made dinner for the whole week which included wwp, tuna fish, zucchini, squash, spinach, black beans, fat free cream of mushroom soup and a little bit of shredded cheese. Yeah it looks like throw up, but its pretty tasty.  I made three servings that I plan to last through Saturday.

I went grocery shopping yesterday as well. Got some steak to cook up for stir fry...it was only $2.40 and its definitely enough for two servings so more lunch/dinner.  Turkey and cheese for sandwiches and some eggs that I hard boiled.  I am trying to make food so that I am not aching for something on the way to or from work.

Run down on food today:
Breakfast was a whole wheat bagel and fat free cream cheese.  The bagels were on sale and sometimes I need something other than an egg white sandwich.
Snack - Yogurt with a few pretzels again
Lunch - Turkey sandwich with cucumbers, muenster cheese (my fave!) on wheat bread, string cheese and a clementine...I'm still hungry though uh oh!
Planned Dinner - The smorgasbord left over from last night.

I "worked out" today.  A straight 10-minute run and then I did a stretching class for an hour...yes a whole hour of just stretching. It was quite wonderful.

Well that is all for now...back to work (or looking like I'm working) I go.

PS - I had a MASSIVE headache yesterday and I mean it last through exercise, through food and through cooking until I went to bed.  Luckily, when I woke up it was gone and has stayed away so far.  Fingers Crossed!


And it begins...Day 1

I originally thought I was going to start on Monday, but I had a job interview. So February 1...what a great day to really dive into this.  The goal this month is to work out 20 out of the 28 days. That is 71 percent of the month and with the way February is looking with work 20 days will be a MIRACLE!

So today has been good.  I worked out for almost an hour.  That may not seem like a lot, but I work out at lunch a lot of times because I HATE WAKING UP!  Getting out of my bed may be the worst feeling in the world besides being sucker punched.

Workout: 15-minute interval run walk...2 minutes walking uphill at a 10 incline and a 3.9 speed and then one-minute sprint at 1.5 incline and 6.5 speed.
Then Arms - 3 reps of 12
Lateral Raises
Tricep Pushdowns
Bicep Curls
Deadlift into should press
Then 10 minutes on the treadmill on the "Fat Burn" setting which was 45 second intervals changing incline between 4.5 and 10.0 at a 4.4 pace.
It wasn't that intense, but it was my first day back in a week.

Breakfast - Whole Wheat English Muffin (100 Calories), 2 egg whites and a slice of cheddar cheese
Snack - Yogurt (100 calories) and 10 pretzels
Lunch - Spinach Salad, half a chicken breast, non-fat Honey Mustard
Snack - Granola Bar
Planned Dinner - Wheat pasta, spinach, garlic, olive oil and salt and pepper.  I have a little bit of grilled chicken I may add and possibly northern beans.

And on a side note I have not drank anything but water today, which is quite an accomplishment.

Well hopefully this is the start to great/busy month.

Question: What is your motivation to get out of bed to work out in the morning? Weekends?