
Weight Watcher Wednesday: Total Disappointment

Well I skipped a few days on the blog, but today is Weight Watcher Wednesday and I want to talk about my experience yesterday.

I gained 1.2 pounds.

I was devastated and very disappointed. I thought it was the week to finally really hit 40 pounds.  I thought I had eaten well and worked out and then BAM right in my face - +1.2. GROSS.

Then I got to brushing off the "gremlins" and said: I drank water, worked out five days, got fruits and veggies in and tried new things.  I did do good things even if the scale failed to show it.

I know there is more I can do and this week I am going to pay a little more attention to those things, but I have to remember that I am not giving up or giving in.  Plus even if its been a year, it took a hell of a lot of time to put this fat on my body so it may not come off that easily.

Along those lines though, I made a decision that in two months if I have continued to do what I am doing (and I think I'm doing it right) and haven't lost another 10 pounds, I will more than likely try to get a personal trainer.  It seems to be that I am doing something wrong and I would rather change something and do it right.

Meetings at WW have gotten worse besides the not losing thing.  Not sure if it is just my group or what, but the topics are pretty lame and seem to go back over things constantly. It could just be my meeting time and of course its pretty much the only one I can go to all week so I am sort of stuck.

Anyways - I thin I am back on track and will be "good" this week.  Hoping for a 1.2 loss and then some.  I know sometimes your body can hold on to water or when you weigh in its still not in its "thinnest" part of the day or who knows maybe I gained a pound of muscle that is going to help burn a pound of fat this week (I know that's not how it actually works).  Either way, I am not giving up.

It may take another six months, but I will get to my goal. I will.

Until next time,

P.S. I will try to write more this week but who knows.

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