
Monday Meditation - Back on the Wagon

So like many others I have a New Year's Resolution...however mine started at the beginning of 2012 and only took a few hiatuses over the last 12 months.  With 2013, my resolution is just a renewal - losing the rest of my 75-pound goal.

Right now I am aiming for those last two pounds of my fourth 10-pound goal.  You see the little goals are easier to chew than a big 75 pounds because that is A LOT of weight.  Scary when you think about it. However I have been stuck on these last two-to-three pounds for three months.  I am stuck in a rut and hoping that soon it will be broken.  The rut was mainly caused by me.

At the end of November, I ran my first 10K.  It was great and I was happy to do it and now I am probably going to run a half marathon or 25K by May.  However, the end of November brought postseason soccer and crossover to basketball and has left me with little motivation.  I had a plan for Christmas break though and that was to work out.  It was "harder" than I thought.

You see I like the gym at GVSU.  It is easy to get to a machine, find somewhere to stretch and get a good workout.  There are different options and you can always switch it up when you choose.  Switching it up is key for success.  When I went home, the only gym that I could find for guests was the Community Center...and walking in there was like walking into a retirement community.  I felt very out of place as I ran my three miles and everyone around me was walking at a snail's pace (at least they were walking though).  I didn't end up back at that rec center again which meant my runs that I planned to do were put on hold.  Side note: I realize the great outdoors is an okay place to run, but I hate cold weather.  Despise it actually.  Unless it gets up to 45+ (or 55+ really), you will not find me braving the great outdoors for a jog.

I tried Zumba at a studio and it was great.  It actually made me wish I lived at home so I could do it all the time.  The bad thing is that it was at 9:30 a.m. and I was on break and waking up at 9 a.m. is not what I wanted to do.  I like sleeping until 11 a.m., but fitness classes do not wait.  I planned to go back, but the 9 a.m. wake-up call was just too much. Excuses - I know.

Finally I decided to do some hot yoga at a studio I found.  Seemed legit and worth while, but I was mistaken.  The instructor was dull and non-interactive.  There were maybe six students in there and he tried to use a microphone...that you couldn't hear.  Pretty worthless if you ask me.  I did my poses and was sore for the next two days, but in the end not worth my money or time to drive there.  My final work out was on Saturday, Dec. 22.  It was the morning of my family Christmas party and I did a 20-minute interval work out.  It wasn't the best because I was tired and had no motivation, but at least I did it.

Now here we are at the beginning of the New Year and group fitness classes do not start for another week which means I am my own motivation.  I miss running, I miss being sweaty, but at the same time I like not showering twice a day.  That's my only reason now to not to workout.

My Monday Meditation is that I will get back on the wagon. It may be a slow climb back to the five miles I was running on a regular basis, but it will happen.  I'm only slightly behind.  I can't say that my eating was up to par, but I feel as if it wasn't like it used to be either.  I am getting better everyday and soon I will be to my weight goal.

I need to clear the negative thoughts out of my head (or the Gremlins as my friend Amy likes to call them) and focus on what I am doing and what I am able to do.  If it is 15 minutes here and another 10 later, so be it.

Now on to being the best me I can be. (oh rhyming)

Until tomorrow,

P.S. I am going to try to get this blog back rolling again.  Hoping school and work do not make that difficult.

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