
Technology Makes the Sick Day Worthless

This is my final edition of my blog for #COM641.

Yesterday, I had to take a sick day because of a fever and blowing my nose every single minute. However, my sick day that I planned to spend on the couch doing nothing, turned into a day of work (just not in my physical office).

With the advancement of technology, work can go anywhere with you.  In some cases its the best thing ever, especially when you just need a day away from the office.  And in the case of yesterday, it was the most ANNOYING thing ever to be in contact.  Some of it I brought on myself by actually coming into work to get stuff to work on at home and answering an e-mail once I was already home, but it was still bothersome.

I guess then it brings me to my next point of whether or not we really feel we can step away from work.  With the constant ability to be connected, have we just found it acceptable that we are always to be around and available?  People expect things from you no matter what, day or night, weekend or workday.   If you don't get something to them, or miss out on it, they could possibly go to the higher-ups and report you.

Either way I think we need to get to the point where we will simply be unavailable.

So tonight I am going home from work and I am turning everything off.  No e-mail alerts, no phone calls, just me, my couch and some television time.

It has been fun blog...and maybe I will continue about grad school next semester, but for now...
GRAD GIRL (One semester Down) OUT


Our ability to communicate

As the semester is winding down, I find myself noticing things about technology that both enhances my life and bugs the crap out of me.

Recently I have had the opportunity to travel with the women's soccer team as a part of their postseason run.  Unfortunately it ended with a runner-up trophy and not the National Title, but it was great.  Anyway one of the greatest things about that team is that when they eat meals together, they are not allowed to have their cell phones with them.

Now, I would be worried that the conversation would be dull or the room we were put in to eat would be quiet or almost silent and I found that it was quite the opposite.  I don't know if it is because of the connection that these women have with each other, but they constantly were abuzz with new topics ranging from sports, preparation for the game to school work and upcoming final exams.

It actually gave me a little bit of hope in the human race that we can still talk face-to-face without having the crutch of a cell phone in our hands.  I actually think I was the weird one because I always have my phone because you never know when the media would need something...and on this trip they needed a lot.

The funny thing is that I actually noticed myself "needing" my phone more and more on these trips and I was so thankful that I had an iPhone because if I was still stuck with my blackberry a lot more people would be left behind without e-mails or information I provided them just because I had that phone. (oh hey run-on sentence).

Anyway it was great to see these girls in shock when other teams had their phones not only with them, but OUT on the table during a keynote speaker.  That is how you know you have trained your team well.

So things that bug the crap out of me though is when people do not have cell phone manners.  If you are in a crowded room and you get a phone call, please step out of the room.  If you have clicky keys like on a blackberry, try to keep your clicking to a minimum.  And if you are like me and you forget not everyone has a smart phone, be mindful of how many messages and how fast you are sending them.

That was all I had for today.  Nothing too spectacular.

Grad Girl out!


Travel and Technology

Well I guess I have been a little slacking in the blog department, but I guess I hope my microblog could be looked at as a whole blog from time to time.

I get to go on my first trip with GVSU athletics tomorrow morning beginning at 4:45 a.m.  I am heading to Denver/Golden, Colo. for the NCAA Regional Final game with women's soccer.  Should be a good trip.

Through all of the planning and preparation I have decided to talk about technology and travel because in truth, technology has simplified travel.  Or has it?

Going with the pro technology (more or less internet, computer-based technology) and travel I will say that I would much rather book a flight, hotel, car, etc. through a website than talking to a human.  1)Because it is all in front of me.  The info, the prices, disclaimers, etc. right there on my screen for me to read instead of listening to someone (who normally is not a native English speaker) rattle off things that may or may not impact me throughout my trip planning. 2) It is easy. End of story. and 3) I HATE being on the phone with any company for more than five minutes.  Half of the time the operator doesn't under stand your question and the other half you are punching a combination of at least 12 numbers in order to reach someone to really give you an answer.

Then there are the other things while traveling that are great.  Wi-Fi (on flight, in airports and sometimes on buses), Cell phone chargers in the airport and now in some airplanes and the ability to get non-stop updates about flight changes, hotel information, etc. right on your phone.

Now to the bad side.  With booking I really don't think there are a lot of negatives, though I really wish they would allow you to cancel and rebook a ticket online.  Many carriers still do not allow this.  Sometimes travel, even though its work related sometimes allows you to get away, but with all of this connectivity though, you are expected to constantly be updating this, sending that and doing this.  Add in a two-hour time difference and you could be getting up well before your normal time in your current time zone just to keep up with the demands of your native time zone.  EXHAUSTING!

Plus I have two computers: a desktop and a laptop.  One I do all of my design work on and notes, etc. and the laptop is basically for word, and stat crew (the program we used to update athletic stats).  So now I have to think about everything I may need on my MAC desktop and hook it up with my PC laptop.

And get this: I googled technology and travel tips and more than 300,000 results popped up.  Now relevancy beside that is still a lot of information.  So here are my own personal tips:
1) Get your stuff together - cords, chargers, batteries, etc. and make sure you really need all of them.
2) Make your laptop EASILY accessible to get out of your bag for security (one of my biggest pet peeves).
3) Download apps if you can that include Flight Tracking, Weather Updates, Flight check-in and even some for pure entertainment...I personally love angry birds.
4) Take the time during the travel to relax, even if for only 20 minutes, but turn everything off and just be. (Yes this is really zen, but I think it gives a refreshing take on the rest of your trip.
5) Bring "old-fashioned" technology such as a book or magazine and get into that instead of reading on your Kindle or iPad.
and finally...6) Sit back and enjoy the flight.

Until next time...
I think its GradGirl 7.0


Technology and Personal Relationships

So I think I missed a week or maybe two of blogging, but that was because two not-so-busy weeks was followed by a very very busy week in which I was working a lot.

It got me to thinking about my personal relationships.  My two not-so-busy weeks allowed me to one go home for a weekend and visit with my friends and family and my free weekend allowed for pretty much the same thing, but allowed for interacting with A LOT of people at a tailgate.  With all this personal interaction that I really don't get that much of during the week, I wondered how technology truly influence my relationships.

Let's go with the first and most important, my family.  I thank god for technology in the form of a cell phone and Facebook because without those two I would not speak to half of my family or know what the heck was going on with them.

My family (especially that mom's side) is EXTREMELY important to me.  So with my cell phone and Facebook I am able to instantly access them whenever possible and I think it has made my relationships stronger.  Plus I get to see their pictures as well which helps for a deeper interaction.

Second, my friendships.  First of all, I know a lot of people. Good or bad, I'm not sure, but I have lived in five different states, had five different jobs in the past five years.  I have worked with and met A LOT of people.  On top of that I was in a sorority in college that had at least 100 members with four years of work that is about 70 "new" friends each year.

Any way - Facebook has allowed me to get in touch with people I never thought I would talk to post college and I think its been great.  PLUS while I was in South Carolina (Chicago, Western NY or Florida) and my friends were in Michigan I was able to easily stay connected to them.  Even though sometimes FBChat seems like a bother, I think it is great because in all honesty if you don't have the time to talk, you just don't take the chat right then.

And finally let's talk about the dating game...I myself have been single for four years.  I dated in guy in college based something I did technologically.  I was bold and it got his attention and we were together for four years...well obviously that didn't work out.  When I moved all these times sometimes it was difficult to meet people so I turned to the internet.  Now there is Match.com, EHarmony, Zoosk, OkCupid, PlentyofFish, just to name of few that are specifically designed websites to help people find a significant other.

I have used these dating sites, some are great, some are okay and some are downright awful.  But it just gets me thinking that I cannot remember the last time I met a new guy anywhere.  I mean yes of course at work, but dating at work is somewhat faux pax. Has technology really made it so that we cannot meet someone new easily without having to jump through hoops of profiles and pictures and random life questions to possibly find someone to have a relationship with?

If it has well...I am doomed.

Until next time.
Grad Girl 6.0


Maybe Multitasking Isn't the most effective...

So here we go again...a full month into the wonderful world of grad school and as I delve deeper I find myself relying more and more on technology both to keep me in my current overbooked world and using it to take myself away for the hour or two.

My blog is named Murph Multitasking - basically because that is what I do all day, every day.  Is it a habit? Oh yes.  Am I good at it? Most of the time.  Is it beneficial? According to studies, not one bit.

Take this article from 2008 and a quote from it: "People can't multitask very well, and when people say they can, they're deluding themselves," said neuroscientist Earl Miller. And, he said, "The brain is very good at deluding itself." 

Graphic from: Instant Productivity Booster: Quit
Multitasking by Eva Rykr
I am one of the deluded.
In my job, I multitask.  I have my cell phone next to me (though it doesn't get service in my office), a computer in front of me with at MINIMUM three web browser tabs open and papers around me that I need to grab information from or will read to fill me in on something.  And that isn't even on game day.

On game day, I have to do stats, which for those who don't know requires using special keystrokes and inputting what is happening on the field, court, etc. into a program, update Twitter and/or Facebook, slowly generate a story in my head or on paper and do whatever else is required while I am in the press box.  Every one of those things may seem to appear to be able to be completed and then move on, but that isn't the case.  Again, is it effective? I'm not sure, but it is what I HAVE to do.  No choice. Must. Complete. All.

The next thing is that while I am at work I am chatting with friends on GMail, playing Words with Friends on Facebook all while writing bios for athletes.  Some days I do these all seamlessly without losing my train of thought or getting sidetracked on to a different task or random e-mail.  Other days, I can barely complete a sentence to my friend, let alone make sense of what happened last season for an athlete.

For me a lot of how productive I am while multitasking is based on a) the task, b) how rested I am and c) the desire I have to actually do the tasks.

Surprisingly, when I made myself a detailed list of hour-by-hour tasks, it was what I would call the most effective use of my time in a long time.  The reason I did this though was internally motivated, I wanted to leave work by 1:30ish in order to get to the east side of the state for a special event.  I LITERALLY put a timer on for 10 minutes while I check Facebook and responded on Twitter.  Then I worked on something for an hour and gave myself another 10 minutes of the mindless stuff.  It worked.

The downside of this is that I do not know what is going to be on my agenda every single day.  Most days I know, but sometimes people come into my office and need something and it takes 20-30 minutes away from the time I dedicated to a project.

So I guess what I take away from all of this is that maybe an hour-by-hour to do list every day is an effective way of managing my time and therefore can make me more efficient.  Now if I could just break this multitasking habit...

Another good article on multitasking: Instant Productivity Booster

Until next time...
Grad Girl 5.0 out.


Me and my technology.

This week in class we discussed whether Technology organizes our lives or We use Technology TO organize it.  I have to admit mine is a little of both.

I am a sports information director (SID) - in a nutshell the PR dept. for the athletics.  My coworkers and I are responsible for disseminating information about our teams, both successes and falters.  This requires MANY hours of planning for events, attending games and matches and then post game responsibilities.  I have NO idea what a 40-hour work week feels like unless its summer, but for most...summer = July and that is it.

Basically though, technology dictates how my profession is run.  We have the ability to stream games on the internet for opposing SIDs who did not travel to watch the game, or run live stats (statistics) through a program specifically catered for college athletics.

In turn this stat program leaves you waiting for a file at the completion of competition.  Which means if you are from Michigan and your team is playing on the west coast at 7 p.m. PST, it is possible that you are not getting a game file until 1 a.m. EST.  In years past, you would then just obviously wait until the next morning to post and send the game story out along with updated statistics, but in today's world, you have to get it out ASAP despite it being 2 a.m. You then type a story and put it on your athletic web site, which feeds to a local paper's site then gets routed to the morning news, on and on.

This tiny little file that explains how the game played out if you were not able to see it via those other media, RUNS how your day goes.  

To put this into a real life example, last year my softball team was playing a team just two hours up the road, but I was unable to travel.  Unfortunately, my roommate was too cheap to get internet (but that's a story for a different day) and I didn't have a wireless card, so I had to find wireless somewhere.  Another wrench in this story, my parents were visiting so we were at the beach.

Needless to say, I found a beach hotel that had unlocked wireless and sat by the side of a pool sipping a beer, typing my game recap and putting the stats on our website.  I've also written stories at bars, restaurants, in the middle of the mall and on a 10-hour bus ride home.

As an SID you are EXPECTED to use technology to get your job done in whatever way that entails.  I feel like that is technology organizing my life.

However, on the flip side, my phone helps me organize my life.  I don't have to carry a planner and an address book with me at all times, instead I have my phone.  My phone also allows me to get e-mails so that I can either address a situation ASAP or find a computer later to really delve into whatever it is that needs attention.

My computer has folders for each of my sports instead of having numerous physical file folders on my desk and seeing as my phone line has still not been hooked up by my desk, I have e-mails that keep me connected to people who need me.

Could I do it the "old-fashioned" way? Probably.  Am I glad I don't have to? Absolutely.

Even though technology sometimes runs my life, I would not change it because at the end of the day it makes the way I run my life more effective and efficient.

Until next time...GradGirl 4.0 out.


My future family and Technology...

I may need to refer back to back to this blog in five to 10 years, but right now I will write it as I see it.

I do not have a family of my own. I am an only child so I have only my parents' techniques and those of close aunts and uncles to see how I will likely raise a child of my own.  Now I am not referring to curfews, when they get a car, if they have to have a job, etc. I am strictly making notice of how I will incorporate technology into my future offspring's life.

I look at myself and I know that I am very connected to technology.  I use the computer every single day for numerous hours a day, probably more than I should and I always have my cell phone.  The other thing I want to mention is that I'm 25 and got my first cell phone when I was in 8th grade...so like 13. And my family has had a computer since I was in 5th grade. (Just to preface my later point)

One thing that I find different from me compared to some of my counterparts both in my job and in my generation is that even though I have my cell phone with me, I am not always ON it or checking it. I find this rather bothersome.  However, my father --- well I would say he is ADDICTED to his iPhone...so much that if I still lived at home I would definitely set regulations as to when he needed to put it away.

Yeah right, like that would work. But I refer you to this article: Is Your Mobile Device the New Cigarette?, Dad!

Anyways back on point.

When my future offspring come along...who knows what kind of technology they would have/need, but I will tell you if I was going off of RIGHT NOW, my children would not have anything more than a simple flip phone from 13 to 18.  I have several reasons for this.  You can still text with one of those phones, but it is more difficult.  Hand-eye coordination is key and PAYING ATTENTION to what you are writing also helps...both great for development of life skills.

Second thing, the phone would not be allowed in their possession past 10 p.m. unless it was a weekend and they were out. NOTHING good happens to 13-18 year-olds from 10 p.m. until 7 a.m., NOTHING.  Even if I educated my kids on sexting, the fact that whatever you write you can't take back, kids make mistakes, kids fall to peer pressure, kids are kids.

And the last thing, no child of mine will ever have a computer in their bedroom.  I was not allowed to have one in mine and it is something I will definitely pass down to the line.  Mostly because NOTHING good can happen when technology is mixed with a child, pre-teen and teenager and the fact that they could have non-stop unsupervised access to A LOT of things, even if you put parental controls on it.

Basically I think that parenting is now getting more difficult just like educating children is getting more difficult because of the technologies that are constantly trying to distract.  My parents I'm sure never thought they would have to deal with cell phone plans and Internet and then WiFi in our house, but its something that any one considering children will now be judged on.

I don't know about you but I don't ever want to live in a society where it is child abuse to take away or not provide certain technologies.  Hopefully that never happens.

Until next time...GradGirl 3.0


Grad Class Week 1.5

So I have now survived three total classes of grad school and I must say it is interesting to say the least.

My friends know that I am loud and like to talk and express opinions, but in class I tend to save my best thoughts for when they are really needed.  I do not talk just to hear my own voice.  I may only be 25, but I feel in a lot of ways I am mature and understand that my opinion is not always needed.

One of my sorority sisters started a blog in grad school that was quite amusing and one of her features she had "People You Meet in Grad School".  There ended up being about six parts to this feature and it was hilarious.  Based on what this blog is supposed to be for though, I will not be able to do that, though I would probably do a great job of.


I like interacting in class so my COM 600 class is interesting and fun so far.  Now on to COM 641...it is a very small class and we had one meeting and I hope the class goes up from there.  I like social media and the impact it is creating on my job.  I constantly have to stay tuned into what athletes are doing on Facebook and Twitter, what my colleagues are trying to push into the market and the next big step to get their team publicized.

Just wanted to get used to writing about something other than sports again...and I did it.

More to come soon.

Until then - grad class 2.0 next time.


Back at it.

Not like any one noticed, but I have neglected this blog for exactly a month.  Let me tell you in that month what happened.  My parents visited Feb. 11-13 then we had the opening weekend of hell fall upon us.  15 softball games over the first weekend and then an extra basketball game on the following Monday to cap it off.  Then the weekend started again with a basketball game on Thursday followed by 17 softball games through Sunday to close out February.  Oh yeah and in that stretch my grandparents come to visit on Tuesday-Wednesday so that was nice.

Now opening March with a doubleheader on Wednesday and then 14 games of softball through Sunday.  Now though, it is all over and it is quiet over here.  No home games for me until next Wednesday on the 16th. THANK GOD.

The purpose is of all of that is spelling out that I had no time or energy to even try to work out and I feel like a complete schlub (is this really a word?). Oh, and in the midst of all of this I have had some serious stomach issues included nausea and not so other nice things.  I went to the doctor, but we are kind of stuck as to what is going on.

So to get back into it, I am starting by trying to eat very plain food.  BRAT - Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast (toast is not really my thing so I go with saltines) to begin and trying to limit my pop and sweet tea in take.  We will see how this goes.  Next I am giving myself one full week of nothing besides work.  I work 9-5 at FGCU and then had/have three days at my other job.  This weekend is all about me! minus the fact I have to write softball recaps at night.

Beginning on Monday its back into working out four times a week minimum.  I set goals for myself at the beginning of the year but it has fallen by the wayside and I need to get back to meeting them.

So that's an update, that is where I am right now and we shall see how it goes.  Hopefully we can figure out the stomach thing because I really did like the way things were going before.

Until then peace out!


Weekend Blues...

Well took the weekend off...of blogging that is.  It will probably be what happens.  We had four games in four days beginning on Friday.

Friday started and ended good.  I unfortunately drank a lot of beer this weekend.  Something I normally don't do.  I am a liquor and diet girl for sure.

Nothing too interesting to say.  Worked out Friday, painted the Baseball press box on Saturday and by the time we were done it was a little too late to work out, Sunday the game started at 1 p.m. and I the gym didn't open until 10 a.m. plus I had to go get stuff for the spur of the moment Super Bowl shin dig that Pat decided to have.  No time for a work out there.  I did work out Monday though and it was a pretty good one.

Had an unexpected day off today so I have been super lazy.  I kind of wish I didn't have the day off because I would have worked out, but I don't want to run outside and I don't like the gym at the apartment complex.

Side note: made pulled pork for the party.  It was DELICIOUS!
5-8 lbs of pork (I used butt roast?!? - I think(
2 bottles of bbq sauce
1 onion (yellow or white)
Crock Pot

Trim the pork of fat as much as possible.  Dice up onion.  Put both in the crock pot on low for 6-7 hours, high for 4-5, but I recommend the low.
Put about a half of a bottle of bbq sauce on top and around the pork.
Fill the crock pot with water and cover.
Drain the water from the pot and put back the meat into the crock pot. Cover with the rest of the bbq sauce and shred with a fork.

Serve on Buns or dinner rolls cut in half as sliders.

Maybe more interesting thoughts will come to me this week. Until then...


Bright side...

The week ended on a good note; minus our basketball team being awful and probably ending up losing by 20-ish points.  I worked out today when I really thought I wasn't going to be able to.

Last night's dinner was beef stir fry. SO EASY and so tasty :)  Bag of frozen veggies.  I like broccoli, carrots and cauliflower.  I added mushroom and onion, garlic, teryaki sauce and small steak strips. One pan too.

Workout..interval run, followed by quick weight lifting (workout found here) and another pace run at 5.2 for 10 minutes.  Quick and easy and a battle. Man I had to tell myself to keep going at least 20 times during the run. But I did it and got ready just in time to look cute for the game. Ha!

So the other day on Facebook I posted a question: How do you get out of bed in the morning to work out?  Many answers were things I already knew...move your alarm clock, just remember how good it feels after you are done, etc.  Well the one thing that is different about where/how I work out and others. 

I work out at my work which means if I leave the house at 6:45 a.m. to go work out...there is a LARGE chance that I won't be back at my apartment until 6 p.m. or later.  EW!  I have gotten used to showering here for the most part, but I hate actually GETTING READY in the locker room.

I should be on track this weekend with working out though.  Three bball games so I will already have to be at work might as well workout before hand.

Soon I'm going to start think of some stuff to start blogging about (because in reality I have A LOT that I could) and adding pictures! WHOO!

Until then...keep kickin'


Streak already ended...

So today has been a very busy day.  I have been at the computer for all but 30 minutes and have only been to the restroom twice (TMI probably).  In that case...working out today has failed.  I may try to do the Wii when I get home because I haven't pulled that out in about two years.

Wanted to share this fun article...This is for the Ladies.  Stolen from St. Bonaventure Strength & Conditioning page (oh how I miss that smelly weight room)

It is really about strength training and losing weight/getting fit.  Very interesting indeed.  I used to think that if I ran three miles a day I would lose weight.  Well that didn't happen...So I definitely strength train and have changed the way I do it.

So on a side note...I think I said I have been getting AWFUL headaches lately...and I mean horrible.  Well I decided it was caused by caffeine or lack thereof.  So today I decided to get a Sweet Tea on the way to work and I did get a headache but it was later in the day and I didn't work out today...so I think all of that combined has something to do with it.  Either way I will continue to monitor it and get it figured out.

I need a new running playlist.  I look online for some suggestions and they all suck!  So if you have thoughts I'm down.  (Yes, I know no one really reads this yet). 

Days left to exercise in February: 16. 
Days in which I already know I won't because I need more than 24 hours in a day: 9

I guess I didn't do the math when I set my goal this month.  SHOOT. No biggie, I'll just do my best.

Peace Out Girl Scout - Gosh I hope I don't find any one selling those cookies this month.



Day 2...I could get used to this.

Well day two went well...so far.

Yesterday I was going to go to the beach with my friend for happy hour... that didn't work out so I made my dinner.  It was pretty bland, but I ate it and it was filling and healthy.  Whole wheat pasta (wwp), garlic olive oil, spinach, zucchini and squash topped with a little bit of shredded Parmesan cheese.

On top of that I made dinner for the whole week which included wwp, tuna fish, zucchini, squash, spinach, black beans, fat free cream of mushroom soup and a little bit of shredded cheese. Yeah it looks like throw up, but its pretty tasty.  I made three servings that I plan to last through Saturday.

I went grocery shopping yesterday as well. Got some steak to cook up for stir fry...it was only $2.40 and its definitely enough for two servings so more lunch/dinner.  Turkey and cheese for sandwiches and some eggs that I hard boiled.  I am trying to make food so that I am not aching for something on the way to or from work.

Run down on food today:
Breakfast was a whole wheat bagel and fat free cream cheese.  The bagels were on sale and sometimes I need something other than an egg white sandwich.
Snack - Yogurt with a few pretzels again
Lunch - Turkey sandwich with cucumbers, muenster cheese (my fave!) on wheat bread, string cheese and a clementine...I'm still hungry though uh oh!
Planned Dinner - The smorgasbord left over from last night.

I "worked out" today.  A straight 10-minute run and then I did a stretching class for an hour...yes a whole hour of just stretching. It was quite wonderful.

Well that is all for now...back to work (or looking like I'm working) I go.

PS - I had a MASSIVE headache yesterday and I mean it last through exercise, through food and through cooking until I went to bed.  Luckily, when I woke up it was gone and has stayed away so far.  Fingers Crossed!


And it begins...Day 1

I originally thought I was going to start on Monday, but I had a job interview. So February 1...what a great day to really dive into this.  The goal this month is to work out 20 out of the 28 days. That is 71 percent of the month and with the way February is looking with work 20 days will be a MIRACLE!

So today has been good.  I worked out for almost an hour.  That may not seem like a lot, but I work out at lunch a lot of times because I HATE WAKING UP!  Getting out of my bed may be the worst feeling in the world besides being sucker punched.

Workout: 15-minute interval run walk...2 minutes walking uphill at a 10 incline and a 3.9 speed and then one-minute sprint at 1.5 incline and 6.5 speed.
Then Arms - 3 reps of 12
Lateral Raises
Tricep Pushdowns
Bicep Curls
Deadlift into should press
Then 10 minutes on the treadmill on the "Fat Burn" setting which was 45 second intervals changing incline between 4.5 and 10.0 at a 4.4 pace.
It wasn't that intense, but it was my first day back in a week.

Breakfast - Whole Wheat English Muffin (100 Calories), 2 egg whites and a slice of cheddar cheese
Snack - Yogurt (100 calories) and 10 pretzels
Lunch - Spinach Salad, half a chicken breast, non-fat Honey Mustard
Snack - Granola Bar
Planned Dinner - Wheat pasta, spinach, garlic, olive oil and salt and pepper.  I have a little bit of grilled chicken I may add and possibly northern beans.

And on a side note I have not drank anything but water today, which is quite an accomplishment.

Well hopefully this is the start to great/busy month.

Question: What is your motivation to get out of bed to work out in the morning? Weekends?


Well here goes nothing...

Today...well technically Monday I will start my blog.  I don't really think I am doing it for any other reason than to track my own progress and hope for the best.  February will literally be more than insane with 12 basketball games and 32 softball games plus baseball games (I will go to those if I want or have to) and visits from the parents and grandparents.

You see I have been struggling with weight issues my life (haha really who hasn't?), but I'm at a point where I am just trying to maintain and continue to get healthier.  If that means dropping another 30 pounds I will.  So this means tracking what I'm eating, working out and getting sleep.

Goals on this blog:
1) Keeping a food journal...no I am not going to be a nutcase who says OMG I ate three m&m's today let me write that down ...  but for the big meals its a must.  I think if I write it down I will be happy or ashamed to be honest with myself.  I know I will have days where Chick-fil-A sounds better than anything I have to eat and I will eat it.

2) Tracking my exercise (KICKS).  I will tell you I have definitely become more mobile than in the last five years.  I finished my first 5K in May 2010 and I would like to get some more under my belt.  So the goal is small ... four days a week.  In my cube at work it says five, but realistically in my line of work and the schedule I keep...four is best!

3) Sharing cooking tips and recipes (KITCHEN).  I LOVE COOKING.  I hate cooking for only myself, but I will do it if I can get three-four meals out of it.  I cook for my roommate, but sometimes he eats more than I hope (but he's awesome so it doesn't matter).

Anyways, feel free to join on this trip or don't.  I will definitely have some random ramblings in here, but hopefully nothing too negative.

Monday it begins.
