
Trouble Tuesday Turned Terrific

So normally I talk about my Trouble Tuesdays, but today is all about terrific.  That really didn't make sense, but this Tuesday turned out to be pretty solid.

Went to Weight Watchers and lost weight so that is a positive.  I will talk more about that on Weight Watcher Wednesday.  Losing weight though is always great and I am at my lowest since who knows when which makes for a very happy person!

So besides that I have gotten everything put together for my Halloween costume.  Need to return one pair of suspenders and also pick up some duct tape probably and it will be all set.  Maybe I'll post a picture here later.

Picked up two pair of boots I ordered, but of course my fat calves didn't fit into one of the pairs.  So I returned those ones and then got a different pair.  PLUS I got $10 put back on my credit card despite getting a 25 percent discount on the original two pairs.  So two pairs of boots for $79 which is good if you know anything about boots.

Today was also a great workout.  I planned on doing just a 25 minute run, but once I got through the first half I figured I could finish the second 25.  Dang it was tough but I did it.  I am sort of disappointed though because I am still not near 6.2 miles in an hour.  My goal is to finish the 10K on Thanksgiving in an hour, but that would mean I was running a 10-minute mile.  On Saturday, I was running just under that, but I am not sure I could keep it up the whole time. I will be able to run it and that makes me happy.  Hopefully there is not a repeat of last year when I got a bloody nose a mile in.  That made for a difficult run.

I also dyed my hair again and it very dark.  I actually LOVE this color on me.  Sometimes I like the red in it, but I really prefer the dark color.  I am getting really excited about the upcoming weekend and I hope it doesn't disappoint.

Until tomorrow,

On deck: Weight Watcher Wednesday

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