
Weekend Warrior

Proof of my support of the Spartants...gross.
I would say that I was definitely a weekend warrior after the last two days.

On Friday I went to visit my cousin at Michigan State for the football game on Saturday.  Now I have done this once before, but last time it was for the Michigan/Michigan State game for which I am a fan of the Wolverines.  This time it was just to go to State and watch a dismal game of the Spartans against Iowa.

Let's start with Friday. After work I went home, got my stuff together for a VERY cold and rainy Saturday.  Stopped at this beer place to put together a six-pack for my uncle because who doesn't like beer as a present, but ended up getting 10 beers.  Then went next door to get Speedway coffee.  Ended up getting the 16 oz. and BOY was that a bad idea.

After talking to a good friend for pretty much the whole drive to East Lansing, I realize that I am now WIRED.  Normally coffee doesn't really effect me too much -- just gives me a little zing.  For some reason this coffee would not let me relax despite watching a movie and chilling on the couch.  After "heading" to bed around midnight, I tried to sleep but could not because there was a little bit of extra noise as well (see: excessive snoring) which made it difficult...so I dragged my old bones into my cousin's room where her and the BF were at.

Apparently the heat in their apartment is broken so it was like 80 degrees in there so obviously the BF opened the window to let some air in.  What I didn't know was that he opened the window ALL the way.  Being on the floor with short sleeves and no blanket was not a good combo.  Needless to say I believe I finally fell asleep around 4 a.m. and then was woken up by my alarm at 6:03 a.m. (Yes I set my alarm to weird times).

Any way, off to tailgate by 7 a.m., game at 12 p.m. and some drinking and freezing rain in between.  The game was "good" and I say that lightly because of course live sporting events are always good, but the game on the field was awful.  I stayed through the third quarter with the cousin despite the other five people we were with leaving.  Then they decided to take it into overtime and lose there.

I will say that in college I cannot remember going to too many noon games.  In South Carolina it was normally 90 degrees at that time and unpleasant to sit through a not-so-great football game in a dress so to say I did it NOW is a big accomplishment in my mind.

My aunt and uncle along with 15 other people went out to dinner which was nice, but then it was time to head home.  I thought about staying and just chilling there, but I would have had to sleep on the couch again and my wonderful pillow-top mattress was calling my name.

When I got home, I watched the end of the USC/LSU game (heartbreaker) and as well as the Tigers game.  Apparently, the Tigers were not informed as to how tired I was because they took it to 12 innings to get the win (Thanks Valverde). I made it though and went to bed where I didn't move except when my alarm went off at 11 a.m.  Pretty sure if I didn't set one I would have not gotten up until probably 2 p.m.

Sunday was a not so warrior day.  I had every intention of heading to hot yoga, but the weather was gross and my couch was much more inviting.  Got the apartment clean, prepped food for the week and even enjoyed some movies.  Oh and I used my foam roller to work on some trigger points and of course almost puked because it makes me a little nauseous when I do it.

I would say it was a great weekend and the one coming up will be even more exciting. Three home games and a 5K, WHOO!

Until next time,

Next up: Meditation Monday.

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