
Weight Watcher Wednesdays

I weighed in yesterday and I was up 0.6 pounds.  Nope that is not a lot.  It could have been my food not fully digested, extra water, etc. but I do not like a gain.  You see in my first 16+ weeks in weight watchers I did not gain a single time...not even when I really thought I was going to.  It wasn't until I hit 30 pounds that I started doing this up and down thing.  Oh and summer...summer didn't help at all.

Part of me wants to chock it up to say that this is the weight I am "supposed" to be.  However that cannot be true because I am still considered overweight, teetering on obese, on most medical charts.  Plus it isn't where I want to be...I want to get to 50 pounds gone...heck I hope I can reach the long term of 75! So back to the drawing board I go.

I finally realized that I need to switch up my work out (eek) and go back to square one of eating.  It doesn't mean I can't eat out, but I have got to stop wanting bad-for-me food.  If you read yesterday's blog, Trouble Tuesdays, you read how I love food and especially food that is not cooked by me.  It must be something about the greasy kitchen in which other food is cooked in that gives it a delicious taste.

Any who, my willpower in the beginning was as strong as an ox...and I would say now it has dwindled down to as strong as a goat?  Are those comparable?  I mean I know goats are strong and can eat just about anything. Kind of sounds like me, don't you think?  I need to get my will power back and say "Not right now" to that Taco Bell trip or "I will be able to eat you soon" chicken nuggets.  If I remember that I can have those food items again, just not right now while I get the weight loss working again, maybe I will be better at holding off when the time comes.

Weight Watchers has taught me a lot about myself.  I really didn't think I would enjoy the meetings, but when you hear groups of people constantly going through what you are and understanding you, it is great.  I don't think I would have been as successful as I have been if I just did it online.  THAT would have taken the strength of an iron wall.

Back to the beginning of my week and I already ate a lot of food (Thanks Famous Dave's), but it was one day and I am not throwing away a whole week.  On a very good note though, I am still averaging a loss of 0.9 pounds per week and I have an AWESOME downward heading graph.

On that note I think I am going to go for a walk because it is gorgeous out.

Hopefully next Wednesday I will be able to report a wonderful loss.

Tomorrow: Thankful Thursday...what will it be this week?
Until then,

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