
Weight Watcher Wednesday on Thursday

I forgot to post this yesterday so...here it is today

Well here we are again on Weight Watcher Wednesday Thursday.

If you read yesterday's  Tuesday's blog, I said I lost weight at WI (weigh-in) for those unfamiliar with WW.  I lost 0.8 lbs.  Yeah I know its not a whole pound, but its a loss of the gain from last week and then some.  Plus it also gets me to the lowest weight I have been at since probably 2005...a wonderful 157.2, just 3.4 away from my next goal weight.  Five pound increments are key because if the goal is too much it looks like it is forever unattainable.

WW meetings are sometimes a supremo joke to me.  I used to have a great group on Wednesdays that I looked forward to going to.  It was a mixture of young and old, lifetime and newbies, but now my Tuesday meetings sometimes just make me sad.  I would say the average age is 40+ and most people are not newbies, but lifetime members in a different way -- they may never lose the weight.  I unfortunately can only go to the Wed. meetings on rare occasions when I don't have class.  Soon I may have to switch to another meeting as well because I will be playing badminton on Tuesday nights (I think).

Bad meetings make it difficult to share my successes like I would have in the Wednesday meeting.  Like my personal PR for the 5K...I would have definitely share that with the Wed. group, but Tuesday I felt like they think just because I am young that it is easy for me to get weight off and that running should be no big deal. This young/old paradigm exists and I think I may discuss it in other blog another time. I know it is different for everyone, but I feel like being young is one of the harder times to lose weight.

Going to these meetings have been instrumental in my weight loss though.  It is comforting to know that others are going through the ups and downs just as I am.  It also gives me a slight boost because I know that I am doing this "right".   Many members return after regaining the weight they lost.  I don't ever want to be one of those people.  If  When I get to Lifetime, I will continue to make an effort every day to make sure I never go back to being the person I was before.  It will be a battle.  I will have good days and bad days, but heck I already have those now.

Meetings are safe place to me.  Even though there may be judgement, I feel like it is a good place to share and talk.  I just wish more people wanted to talk besides myself and a few others.

If you ever want to learn about Weight Watchers and my experience I am happy to share.  I am not embarrassed that I needed a program to lose weight, but at least I am doing it healthy and I know what works and what doesn't.  I have not given up any of my favorite foods, just lessened their appearance in my diet.  I can still go out and have too many drinks and know I will be okay.  WW is a program I think I would recommend for any one trying to lose weight.  If you get out of your head and start dealing with the issues

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