
Weekend Warrior: Homecoming 5K

I would say I was a weekend warrior because I ran my fastest 5K ever at the GVSU Homecoming race on Saturday.  Almost a sub-30!...official time was 30:44.  Of course as I got a side stitch a half mile in and spent most of the race bent over in half.  This led to extremely sore hamstrings and quads.

Back to 10K training tomorrow though.  25 minute run 1 walk 25 minute run. ROUGH!

This weekend was also a war. I kind of lost my mind a little bit.  I think I have just been tired of counting and paying so close attention to what I am eating.  So I would say this was not a good weekend.  Sometimes I think I just need to "take off".  Back to normal tomorrow.  Speaking of which means I need to make lunch.

Weekends when I have three home events also take a lot out of me.  Friday I had a soccer game and then ended up going out afterwards despite knowing I had to be up before 8 a.m. on Saturday.  Woke up on Saturday for the race, did it and then had a pancake breakfast.  I was going to stay at work until the game later, but decided that it had plenty of time to go home and shower/nap.  Well I definitely did that, but I set my alarm for a.m. instead of p.m. and thus woke up an hour later.

Football did not take too long so I was out by 11:30 and went to the bar for a drink.  I definitely didn't need to get a drink or have some chicken tenders, but I did because I hadn't had them in a while.  Went to bed early and then today had soccer. 

Weekends where I have to work every day definitely takes a lot out of me.  So here I am on my couch doing nothing.  Sometimes I wish I had a normal job where I was guaranteed a weekend, and other times I know that I love what I do regardless of when I work.

Well back to work tomorrow...and the looking forward to Saturday to celebrate Halloween.  May try to make it to a corn maze and get a pumpkin because I have not carved one yet which is pretty depressing.

Until next time,

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