
Meditation Monday: My body

This is my first Meditation Monday which will basically involve a thought or thoughts I have been thinking about throughout the week or even throughout this whole weight loss.  So this week I have been thinking about my body.

The body is an amazing thing...Like the creepy guy in Saw V said: "The human body, for instance, is an astoundingly durable creation. It contains approximately ten pints of blood. Yet it is still able to operate with just half of that."

Well I hope to not be operating on minimal pints of blood, but my body has amazed me over these  last few months. 

First of all, it can keep going.  I started training for a 5K race back in January and have now ran six since then plus two obstacle-type runs.   The most challenging was definitely the Warrior Dash. It showed me that I am strong and be even stronger when I lose some more weight and build muscle.

After I got back from my vacations this summer, I began training for a 10K.  I can honestly say that never in my life, even at my fittest back in high school, would I imagine running 6.2 miles. We shall see how it goes at the Turkey Trot in 42 days.

The second thing about my body is that even though it changes it stays the same.  I have lost 36 pounds and on most people's body it would be two or maybe three sizes down, but not me.  I have always had big legs and a big butt (Thanks mom's side) because of soccer, skating and gymnastics.  So despite losing weight, I still have curves and I still have big legs.

My final thought about my body is how much I like it.  I have had my fair share of body image issues, not liking how I looked, but surprising I always liked it. It may bother me that I have big legs, but they keep me upright.  Plus it runs well, if that makes sense.  I don't ever have that many issues with it except for the occasional ache and pain, and possibly a cold here and there.  My stomach is extremely strong and not easily upset, I am flexible and besides my vision, everything is in working order.  Funny how when we think about our bodies we always look to the outside.

In my mind, I am beautiful.  Even when I was heavier I thought I was beautiful and made others believe it.  My body is now even better and I hope it keeps getting better because its the only one I have (cliche I know).

Until Trouble Tuesday,

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