
Fun, Fit Friday - Oh Yeah It's a New Thing!

Totally dropped the bomb on writing a Thankful Thursday post.  Almost didn't get around to this one either, but while I'm waiting for volleyball to start tonight, I figured I could rep this out.

Normally its Fun, Flirty Friday, but today I wanted to talk about Fitness.  I did something physical every day this week.  Monday was yoga, Tuesday I ran, Wednesday I did a Totally Toned class, yesterday I went for a 30-minute walk and today I ran for 30 minutes.  Yay.  I haven't done that in a really long time.

Doing these various activities allowed me to see other people working out in a natural setting.  Not to say that I am staring at these people whilst they attempt things, but some people just have NO IDEA what they are doing, but at least they are trying.

I do have to comment on it though because I find it absolutely hilarious how one can be so unaware of how their body is moving.  Let's take yoga for example.  Not the easiest practice, but definitely not hard.  However, the instructor tells you how to align your body.  Shoulders back, heels aligned but a foot apart and hinge from the waist--then WHY are you almost in a split and hunched over like Quasimodo?

Or take this picture for example...how do you not know that your butt is propped up in the air when you are planking or doing a push up?  I am not judging you because you may not be able to do said plank or push up, but I judge when you make NO adjustment throughout the whole thing.

Today while I was stretching and doing my push ups (on my knees, I am not ashamed), this girl in front of me also started doing her reps.  Not to my surprise though, she was on her knees and she looked like she was bobbing for apples, head, arms and feet, EVERYTHING was moving.  So just to make sure I wasn't rushing to a quick judgement or anything I redid a set...only thing moving for me were my arms.

Another thing I have a hard time watching people do is A) stretch like they are in a hurry and b) do squats.  Stretching is a dreaded task I know, but touching your toes and then reaching up to the sky, does not a stretch make.  And I don't think some people will ever understand the "don't go past your toes" thing.  It just seems to be incomprehensible for some to grasp.

Again, I am not a pro, but I know what my body is doing.  If you ever see me working out and I look like an awkward duck, make sure you say something.  I will definitely thank you and so will my muscles too.

Anyways that is all I have for today.  Big exciting plans this weekend. Maybe pictures will follow, we shall see.

Until next time,


Weight Watcher Wednesday on Thursday

I forgot to post this yesterday so...here it is today

Well here we are again on Weight Watcher Wednesday Thursday.

If you read yesterday's  Tuesday's blog, I said I lost weight at WI (weigh-in) for those unfamiliar with WW.  I lost 0.8 lbs.  Yeah I know its not a whole pound, but its a loss of the gain from last week and then some.  Plus it also gets me to the lowest weight I have been at since probably 2005...a wonderful 157.2, just 3.4 away from my next goal weight.  Five pound increments are key because if the goal is too much it looks like it is forever unattainable.

WW meetings are sometimes a supremo joke to me.  I used to have a great group on Wednesdays that I looked forward to going to.  It was a mixture of young and old, lifetime and newbies, but now my Tuesday meetings sometimes just make me sad.  I would say the average age is 40+ and most people are not newbies, but lifetime members in a different way -- they may never lose the weight.  I unfortunately can only go to the Wed. meetings on rare occasions when I don't have class.  Soon I may have to switch to another meeting as well because I will be playing badminton on Tuesday nights (I think).

Bad meetings make it difficult to share my successes like I would have in the Wednesday meeting.  Like my personal PR for the 5K...I would have definitely share that with the Wed. group, but Tuesday I felt like they think just because I am young that it is easy for me to get weight off and that running should be no big deal. This young/old paradigm exists and I think I may discuss it in other blog another time. I know it is different for everyone, but I feel like being young is one of the harder times to lose weight.

Going to these meetings have been instrumental in my weight loss though.  It is comforting to know that others are going through the ups and downs just as I am.  It also gives me a slight boost because I know that I am doing this "right".   Many members return after regaining the weight they lost.  I don't ever want to be one of those people.  If  When I get to Lifetime, I will continue to make an effort every day to make sure I never go back to being the person I was before.  It will be a battle.  I will have good days and bad days, but heck I already have those now.

Meetings are safe place to me.  Even though there may be judgement, I feel like it is a good place to share and talk.  I just wish more people wanted to talk besides myself and a few others.

If you ever want to learn about Weight Watchers and my experience I am happy to share.  I am not embarrassed that I needed a program to lose weight, but at least I am doing it healthy and I know what works and what doesn't.  I have not given up any of my favorite foods, just lessened their appearance in my diet.  I can still go out and have too many drinks and know I will be okay.  WW is a program I think I would recommend for any one trying to lose weight.  If you get out of your head and start dealing with the issues


Trouble Tuesday Turned Terrific

So normally I talk about my Trouble Tuesdays, but today is all about terrific.  That really didn't make sense, but this Tuesday turned out to be pretty solid.

Went to Weight Watchers and lost weight so that is a positive.  I will talk more about that on Weight Watcher Wednesday.  Losing weight though is always great and I am at my lowest since who knows when which makes for a very happy person!

So besides that I have gotten everything put together for my Halloween costume.  Need to return one pair of suspenders and also pick up some duct tape probably and it will be all set.  Maybe I'll post a picture here later.

Picked up two pair of boots I ordered, but of course my fat calves didn't fit into one of the pairs.  So I returned those ones and then got a different pair.  PLUS I got $10 put back on my credit card despite getting a 25 percent discount on the original two pairs.  So two pairs of boots for $79 which is good if you know anything about boots.

Today was also a great workout.  I planned on doing just a 25 minute run, but once I got through the first half I figured I could finish the second 25.  Dang it was tough but I did it.  I am sort of disappointed though because I am still not near 6.2 miles in an hour.  My goal is to finish the 10K on Thanksgiving in an hour, but that would mean I was running a 10-minute mile.  On Saturday, I was running just under that, but I am not sure I could keep it up the whole time. I will be able to run it and that makes me happy.  Hopefully there is not a repeat of last year when I got a bloody nose a mile in.  That made for a difficult run.

I also dyed my hair again and it very dark.  I actually LOVE this color on me.  Sometimes I like the red in it, but I really prefer the dark color.  I am getting really excited about the upcoming weekend and I hope it doesn't disappoint.

Until tomorrow,

On deck: Weight Watcher Wednesday


Meditation Monday: Pressure

Today is Meditation Monday and lately I have been in a very contemplative mood.  I think I talked about this last week.  It has definitely poured over into this week and thankfully I have my parents and a couple specific friends that will listen to me no matter what comes out of my mouth/brain.

I wanted to focus on pressure this week, specifically the pressure that I put on myself to do well.  This pressure has turned into self-doubt and a little bit of self-consciousness.  You see last week I only worked out on two days plus my race on Saturday and I feel REALLY bad for this.  In reality I should be congratulating myself on what I have accomplished.

However, sometimes, even if it's not intended Weight Watchers makes you feel bad.  And its not really their fault, but seeing a gain even thought you know you did everything right really kicks you in the ass.  On the other hand, if you lose and you know you ate like crap and really didn't track like you should have, it's like a slighted victory.

I need to stop putting so much pressure on myself.  I am not going to gain all 35 pounds back in one week.  I need to understand that no one is perfect and slip-ups are bound to happen.  I have changed my life for the better, but I will still make mistakes.  The reason I know this is because I want to work out and sometimes my body is just too sore, worn down, exhausted, etc. to get through it.  Before I didn't care whether or not I missed a run or a yoga class.  The change in my mindset is what is going to get me to my eventual goal.

Sometimes we need to listen to our body and just be.  I know right now that I am fighting off a cold and I think still winning the battle and I am tired.  I went to bed last night at around 10:30 p.m., completely forgot to set an alarm and woke up at 8:15 in the morning.  Just physically exhausted.  I really wanted to get a run in today, but I think I am going to stick to a yoga class.  I am also being mindful of what I am eating this week and paying closer attention.

I can still have my days where I just want to eat pizza or chicken tenders and fries, but at the end of the week, if I can say I had five to six successful days of eating, I will call it a win.

The pressure I put on myself is sometimes unbearable and it stems from not wanting to disappoint others.  At the end of the day though, it is my body and not others.  My expectations have to come from within and my actions have to follow.  One more day of rest is all I need and I will be back to it tomorrow.

Tonight my couch and I will be very good friends again.

Until next time,

Tomorrow: Tuesday Trouble (or maybe it will be a Terrific Tuesday, who knows?)


Weekend Warrior: Homecoming 5K

I would say I was a weekend warrior because I ran my fastest 5K ever at the GVSU Homecoming race on Saturday.  Almost a sub-30!...official time was 30:44.  Of course as I got a side stitch a half mile in and spent most of the race bent over in half.  This led to extremely sore hamstrings and quads.

Back to 10K training tomorrow though.  25 minute run 1 walk 25 minute run. ROUGH!

This weekend was also a war. I kind of lost my mind a little bit.  I think I have just been tired of counting and paying so close attention to what I am eating.  So I would say this was not a good weekend.  Sometimes I think I just need to "take off".  Back to normal tomorrow.  Speaking of which means I need to make lunch.

Weekends when I have three home events also take a lot out of me.  Friday I had a soccer game and then ended up going out afterwards despite knowing I had to be up before 8 a.m. on Saturday.  Woke up on Saturday for the race, did it and then had a pancake breakfast.  I was going to stay at work until the game later, but decided that it had plenty of time to go home and shower/nap.  Well I definitely did that, but I set my alarm for a.m. instead of p.m. and thus woke up an hour later.

Football did not take too long so I was out by 11:30 and went to the bar for a drink.  I definitely didn't need to get a drink or have some chicken tenders, but I did because I hadn't had them in a while.  Went to bed early and then today had soccer. 

Weekends where I have to work every day definitely takes a lot out of me.  So here I am on my couch doing nothing.  Sometimes I wish I had a normal job where I was guaranteed a weekend, and other times I know that I love what I do regardless of when I work.

Well back to work tomorrow...and the looking forward to Saturday to celebrate Halloween.  May try to make it to a corn maze and get a pumpkin because I have not carved one yet which is pretty depressing.

Until next time,


Fun, Flirty Friday

Well it is already Friday again.  This time last week I was in the midst of a great run and preparing to go to Michigan State for the weekend.  Today is QUITE different.

I had my alarm set to do my workout like I always do on Friday mornings, but when it went off I just did not feel well.  I think the weather has hit me a bit and I am a little run down.  I keep taking my vitamins and drinking a lot of water, but I just feel like my body is telling me to slow down a bit.

However, today is game day so I can't slow down too much.  Game days are the reason I love my job so much.  Yes I have to work extra hours, yes its cold standing in the press box and yes sometimes the results are not always what you want, but overall I love Game Days! Plus our soccer team is in a run for first place in the conference and it is very nice to host the tournament at your place instead of having to travel.  So let's get it ladies!

Any way...

There are fewer things more exciting to me than going to a live sporting event whether I am working or attending.  When our volleyball team was playing Ferris State a few weeks ago I went as a spectator for the first time in a while and it felt so odd to yell out something.  Professional sports are different, I have no problem yelling there, but sometimes I forget that if I am not working a game, I can cheer! Sports are fun.

They are fun because they bring people together.  No doubt most of the state of Michigan was cheering for the Detroit Tigers last night.  And now they are heading to the WORLD SERIES!  I have now seen this twice in my life time and would REALLY like to see the first championship since 1984. GO TIGERS!

Let me move on to the flirty part of Friday.  I believe I have almost lost my ability to flirt.  In high school and college, I am pretty sure I had it down pat, but now I am like a lost puppy.  Or I do flirt and its taken the wrong way and I end up having to turn someone down or have a creepy guy start following/talking to me.  Hopefully I haven't lost my ability entirely and that someone, somewhere still thinks I can do it.

I do know that my weight loss has given me a lot of my confidence back and some of the more ballsy things I did in college I am more willing to do now.  And don't get crazy kids, I am just referring to basically approaching guys, or group of guys and talking to them -- nothing more.  It is definitely nice to get attention back as well because any one who knows me knows that I enjoy attention every now and then; I am an only child after all.

This made me laugh.
On another note, there has been talk of a possible date with a new fellow from Match.com, but who knows if that will ever happen. Speaking of dating sites, can you really flirt on those things?  Again I think most of time you come off like a skank/just wants to get laid or a total creeper.  I mean really, you haven't even met the person, how the heck can you try to flirt with them?  Just my thoughts.

Well time to do some actual work ... maybe.
Next Up: Weekend Warrior.

Until next time,


Thankful Thursday: My bed

Don't get too excited because this Thankful Thursday is not that deep like my previous one.  I am thankful for a lot of things, but there are a few things this week that I am more thankful for than ever.

Today I am going to be a little bit shallow/commercial and say I am thankful for my bed.  I am extremely tired and visions of laying in bed is dancing around in my head like plum fairies (is that the right Christmas story?)

This really doesn't do it justice.
I can honestly say that one of the best things that I have ever purchased (with a little help from my parents) is my pillow top, queen size bed.  It is WONDERFUL!

Besides being amazingly comfortable and not giving me back problems like my beds in college, I feel lucky to have a bed.  That was reinforced when I had to sleep on the floor at my cousin's apartment last weekend.  And at least that was a clean (relatively) floor inside an apartment.  I can't even imagine trying to sleep outside on top of cardboard boxes or in dumpsters or somewhere else.

The thing I like best about the bed is that it is both very soft and firm at the same time.  The pillow top allows for a soft landing, while the bottom half is full of support.  I imagine sometimes that its like sleeping on a cloud.  How cliche :)

Now there is not much that cannot be solved by just laying down in said bed.  Whenever I have a bad day, or something stressful going on, I can just let my mind go when I am in it.  It is like being in a yoga class without having to pose!

I also do not have buyer's remorse.  Some people buy their bed and then after a year it sucks or they discover it doesn't even fit well in the room they have.  So many issues, but I can honestly say if I just had my bed whenever I move I will be a happy camper!

One could also say that it helps me in my weight loss because you know that you burn calories in your sleep...sometimes more than if you are just sitting still at a desk. Plus when I am well rested I perform better during the day. Proof of this is the last couple of nights that I have stayed up late because I was watching TV or catching up with people and I have been VERY sleepy at work thus slow at accomplishing things.

So yes today I am thankful for my bed and I can't wait to see it at 10 p.m. tonight.

Tomorrow: Fun, Flirty Friday

Until then,


Weight Watcher Wednesdays

I weighed in yesterday and I was up 0.6 pounds.  Nope that is not a lot.  It could have been my food not fully digested, extra water, etc. but I do not like a gain.  You see in my first 16+ weeks in weight watchers I did not gain a single time...not even when I really thought I was going to.  It wasn't until I hit 30 pounds that I started doing this up and down thing.  Oh and summer...summer didn't help at all.

Part of me wants to chock it up to say that this is the weight I am "supposed" to be.  However that cannot be true because I am still considered overweight, teetering on obese, on most medical charts.  Plus it isn't where I want to be...I want to get to 50 pounds gone...heck I hope I can reach the long term of 75! So back to the drawing board I go.

I finally realized that I need to switch up my work out (eek) and go back to square one of eating.  It doesn't mean I can't eat out, but I have got to stop wanting bad-for-me food.  If you read yesterday's blog, Trouble Tuesdays, you read how I love food and especially food that is not cooked by me.  It must be something about the greasy kitchen in which other food is cooked in that gives it a delicious taste.

Any who, my willpower in the beginning was as strong as an ox...and I would say now it has dwindled down to as strong as a goat?  Are those comparable?  I mean I know goats are strong and can eat just about anything. Kind of sounds like me, don't you think?  I need to get my will power back and say "Not right now" to that Taco Bell trip or "I will be able to eat you soon" chicken nuggets.  If I remember that I can have those food items again, just not right now while I get the weight loss working again, maybe I will be better at holding off when the time comes.

Weight Watchers has taught me a lot about myself.  I really didn't think I would enjoy the meetings, but when you hear groups of people constantly going through what you are and understanding you, it is great.  I don't think I would have been as successful as I have been if I just did it online.  THAT would have taken the strength of an iron wall.

Back to the beginning of my week and I already ate a lot of food (Thanks Famous Dave's), but it was one day and I am not throwing away a whole week.  On a very good note though, I am still averaging a loss of 0.9 pounds per week and I have an AWESOME downward heading graph.

On that note I think I am going to go for a walk because it is gorgeous out.

Hopefully next Wednesday I will be able to report a wonderful loss.

Tomorrow: Thankful Thursday...what will it be this week?
Until then,


Tuesday Troubles

Well today is Tuesday and for some reason I find this day troubling.  It is my weigh in day at Weight Watchers so I am sometimes very nervous, but most of the time I like it because its like the tale of the tape.  Just have to see what I did this last week.  And I know that I did NOTHING last weekend except for eat really.  I mean I tailgated, walked and jumped up and down in the stands, but physically active was not on the agenda last weekend.

So today I think its going to be about food troubles. Don't expect a long one though...I am busy watching the Tigers' game and want to go lay in bed.

I like food. End of Story. Big part of this weight problem. I am not picky, the thought of greasy food does not disgust me, and I like to cook.

The problem with enjoying food is that I cannot eat the same things every day.  And yes, it is said that its better if you eat a variety of foods it helps with weight loss because your body doesn't get used to stuff, but my variations are not always healthy.

My ultimate dream would be to be able to go to the grocery store every other day, but unfortunately my schedule does not allow for that.  So I have been very good at mixing it up and eating different things...but in this lies another issue.

We split this monster, but it is 57 WWP for the whole thing...
I like mixing it up by eating food that is not always good for me aka McDonald's ... or the gorge fest at Famous Dave's I ate tonight.  Obviously mixing it up is possible using healthy foods, but there is sometimes nothing better than greasy, not-made-by-you food. 

Leading to the final problem...I wish I could like my own cooking more.  I definitely think I make a lot of good food.  Pork chops, taco salad, chili...I got those NAILED down and a few other things including desserts, but there is something about a hamburger made somewhere else.  Even nachos taste better at a restaurant. 

Well here you have it...my Tuesday Troubles with food.  There will be more of these I'm sure but that was what I was thinking of today.

Tomorrow I will fill you in on Weight Watcher's tonight.

Until tomorrow.


Meditation Monday: My body

This is my first Meditation Monday which will basically involve a thought or thoughts I have been thinking about throughout the week or even throughout this whole weight loss.  So this week I have been thinking about my body.

The body is an amazing thing...Like the creepy guy in Saw V said: "The human body, for instance, is an astoundingly durable creation. It contains approximately ten pints of blood. Yet it is still able to operate with just half of that."

Well I hope to not be operating on minimal pints of blood, but my body has amazed me over these  last few months. 

First of all, it can keep going.  I started training for a 5K race back in January and have now ran six since then plus two obstacle-type runs.   The most challenging was definitely the Warrior Dash. It showed me that I am strong and be even stronger when I lose some more weight and build muscle.

After I got back from my vacations this summer, I began training for a 10K.  I can honestly say that never in my life, even at my fittest back in high school, would I imagine running 6.2 miles. We shall see how it goes at the Turkey Trot in 42 days.

The second thing about my body is that even though it changes it stays the same.  I have lost 36 pounds and on most people's body it would be two or maybe three sizes down, but not me.  I have always had big legs and a big butt (Thanks mom's side) because of soccer, skating and gymnastics.  So despite losing weight, I still have curves and I still have big legs.

My final thought about my body is how much I like it.  I have had my fair share of body image issues, not liking how I looked, but surprising I always liked it. It may bother me that I have big legs, but they keep me upright.  Plus it runs well, if that makes sense.  I don't ever have that many issues with it except for the occasional ache and pain, and possibly a cold here and there.  My stomach is extremely strong and not easily upset, I am flexible and besides my vision, everything is in working order.  Funny how when we think about our bodies we always look to the outside.

In my mind, I am beautiful.  Even when I was heavier I thought I was beautiful and made others believe it.  My body is now even better and I hope it keeps getting better because its the only one I have (cliche I know).

Until Trouble Tuesday,

Weekend Warrior

Proof of my support of the Spartants...gross.
I would say that I was definitely a weekend warrior after the last two days.

On Friday I went to visit my cousin at Michigan State for the football game on Saturday.  Now I have done this once before, but last time it was for the Michigan/Michigan State game for which I am a fan of the Wolverines.  This time it was just to go to State and watch a dismal game of the Spartans against Iowa.

Let's start with Friday. After work I went home, got my stuff together for a VERY cold and rainy Saturday.  Stopped at this beer place to put together a six-pack for my uncle because who doesn't like beer as a present, but ended up getting 10 beers.  Then went next door to get Speedway coffee.  Ended up getting the 16 oz. and BOY was that a bad idea.

After talking to a good friend for pretty much the whole drive to East Lansing, I realize that I am now WIRED.  Normally coffee doesn't really effect me too much -- just gives me a little zing.  For some reason this coffee would not let me relax despite watching a movie and chilling on the couch.  After "heading" to bed around midnight, I tried to sleep but could not because there was a little bit of extra noise as well (see: excessive snoring) which made it difficult...so I dragged my old bones into my cousin's room where her and the BF were at.

Apparently the heat in their apartment is broken so it was like 80 degrees in there so obviously the BF opened the window to let some air in.  What I didn't know was that he opened the window ALL the way.  Being on the floor with short sleeves and no blanket was not a good combo.  Needless to say I believe I finally fell asleep around 4 a.m. and then was woken up by my alarm at 6:03 a.m. (Yes I set my alarm to weird times).

Any way, off to tailgate by 7 a.m., game at 12 p.m. and some drinking and freezing rain in between.  The game was "good" and I say that lightly because of course live sporting events are always good, but the game on the field was awful.  I stayed through the third quarter with the cousin despite the other five people we were with leaving.  Then they decided to take it into overtime and lose there.

I will say that in college I cannot remember going to too many noon games.  In South Carolina it was normally 90 degrees at that time and unpleasant to sit through a not-so-great football game in a dress so to say I did it NOW is a big accomplishment in my mind.

My aunt and uncle along with 15 other people went out to dinner which was nice, but then it was time to head home.  I thought about staying and just chilling there, but I would have had to sleep on the couch again and my wonderful pillow-top mattress was calling my name.

When I got home, I watched the end of the USC/LSU game (heartbreaker) and as well as the Tigers game.  Apparently, the Tigers were not informed as to how tired I was because they took it to 12 innings to get the win (Thanks Valverde). I made it though and went to bed where I didn't move except when my alarm went off at 11 a.m.  Pretty sure if I didn't set one I would have not gotten up until probably 2 p.m.

Sunday was a not so warrior day.  I had every intention of heading to hot yoga, but the weather was gross and my couch was much more inviting.  Got the apartment clean, prepped food for the week and even enjoyed some movies.  Oh and I used my foam roller to work on some trigger points and of course almost puked because it makes me a little nauseous when I do it.

I would say it was a great weekend and the one coming up will be even more exciting. Three home games and a 5K, WHOO!

Until next time,

Next up: Meditation Monday.


Fun, Flirty Friday: Always a Good Day

When coming up with Friday's theme...I originally had Fitness Friday, but you know what I am gonna throw in fitness throughout the week so I figured why limit it to just one day.  Fun and flirty though is sometimes reserved for just one day of the week...at least when they are together.

Fridays are my favorite day of the week as I am sure they are many others as well.  It is the final day of the work week, the beginning of the weekend, and a day much deserved by many.  Well for me Fridays are sometimes just the fifth day of a seven-day workweek.  Aside from not having to be in the office from 9 to 5 on Saturday and Sunday, I often have to work odd hours because of my profession.  For some reason though I always look forward to Friday.

E-cards...gotta love 'em
Looking at my calendar, I can see that I consistently work out on Fridays more than ANY other day!  And yes I keep track with smiley faces, :) ,  in sharpie on my calendar when I work out.

Anyways, because Friday are for most people, a laid-back day at work, and the same applies here, I come in my sweats with gym clothes under (for those who don't know I work at a University so my gym is in the building I work in.  Lucky, I know) and sit at my computer while my breakfast digests for about a half hour.  Then I am up-and-at-it going hard with a workout.  Normally its a longer run because Friday's are relaxed and not pressed for a lot of time.

Post work out I shower and actually style my hair for the first time all week and sometimes (GASP!) even put make up on.  I did this last Friday and my boss was SHOCKED at the notion, or maybe it was Saturday? But either way it doesn't happen too often unless I'm going out.  Then Friday's in our office is Mancino's day...which means hawaiian calzone.  Yeah, I know what you are thinking -- how the HELL is that Weight Watcher friendly?  Not too sure that it is, takes up a VERY large portion of my daily points, but its worth every one.  Luckily, after eating said-calzone, I don't really eat much of a dinner.

Fridays to me will always be looked forward to because I get to enjoy them.  I actually like waking up kind of early on Fridays, knowing that I have a great workout to get to.

This Friday is a get-out-of-work-early day :)  Every one is gone in the office except me, but luckily I will take my handy lap top and work from home. before heading to State to hang out with my cousin which leads into Saturday tailgate and the MSU/Iowa game.

Here's hoping for a Fun, Flirty Friday!

Next up: Weekend Warrior (to be posted Sat. or Sun.)


Thankful Thursday: My Parents

When I knew I was going to do Thankful Thursday posts, there was nothing else I could think of to be thankful for first except my parents.

I know I was not the easiest child, teenager, or young adult, to be around for a very long time (hell, sometimes I'm still not pleasant).  From 10-14, I was confused and uncomfortable and all together strange, though I do not remember a lot about that time.  Middle school was God awful and I was thankful to get into high school.  Before that though I was spoiled and never went without (and I still don't) because of them.  Family trips, skating, soccer, cheerleading, softball, shopping - I got to do and have it all.  For those things I obviously am very thankful for, but it is the other type of support that I am eternally thankful for.

High school, specifically sophomore and senior years, were tough.  I dealt with my first bout of depression in 10th grade.  Luckily I had my parents, despite our relationship being strained sometimes, and their support in getting better.  When tragedy rocked my world in July 2003, they were there once again.

My reaction to that incident though rocked THEIR world later that year.  Never once were they mad at me, but genuinely worried and wanted me to get better. Through the next few years as I graduated and went to college they continued to support me in ways I will never forget.

We have been fortunate that my parents have good jobs and are what I would consider successful.  It has never been a cake walk in my opinion, but as the saying goes: Work Hard, Play Hard.  I believe my parents have nailed this philosophy.  Looking at them makes me hopeful that my future will at one time be filled with nights at ball games, trips to Vegas and weekend getaways, most of the time spent together.

Currently at an age where I am considered a "real" adult, the things they continue to do are priceless.  I unfortunately still have to depend on them for a lot because they have let me fulfill my dream of being a sports information director (and that has taken a while), but they have let me grow and change and become the person I have always wanted to be.

The biggest thing they do is believe in me.  They believed I could succeed at anything I put my mind to.  I won a national championship with my skating team, graduated Summa Cum Laude out of high school, moved to South Carolina, joined a sorority, got good grades, moved to Chicago for an internship (which they took a loan out for), graduated with honors and secured a "job" out of college. Plus they have helped me move like six times now, so that has to count for a lot.

Now I am still doing what I love and getting a master's degree, all because they were willing to help me out and believe I can do it.

As of late though, the biggest gift they have given me is Weight Watchers.  I say it like that because my parents offered to pay for this program. They could see I was still not happy with my body and it took a toll on me.  In the past they paid for Jenny Craig, but I wasn't in the stage of my life to follow that like I should have.  Weight Watchers though was a program that was going to work.  Obviously it has.  I am 36 pounds lighter.  I am happier than I have been in several years and looking forward to seeing my progression through the next year when I graduate with a master's and FINALLY get my first full time position.

Without their financial and emotional support, there is no way I could have gotten this far.  WW actually came relatively easy for me once I stopped giving into every temptation that came my way, plus getting my butt in gear more often than not.  There is nothing better than calling after a meeting and knowing how proud they are of me.

After finishing the Warrior Dash
I am thankful, grateful and elated to have two of the best people in the world looking out for me.  I know my parents always have my best interest and hoping the best for me. I really think that my parents are the reason I am still here today and I am very happy for that.

Today (and everyday) there is nothing I am more thankful for than Shawn and Kathie.


P.S. My 50-year old father did the Warrior Dash with me because I wanted to prove I could do it and there was no one else to go with me.  One more reason I love him that much more!

Tomorrow: Fun, Flirty Friday


And I'm BACK!

My last wonderful post on this blog was back when I was in a technology class. I have decided to revamp it and get back to my life.

For those who may not know, I have been on a weight loss journey since January 9, 2012 and have now lost 36.2 lbs
August 2011 to August 2012...I can tell a difference for sure
So let's update you on what has happened throughout that loss...March I hit the 20 pound mark and June was 30.  These last few weeks have been a yo-yo and my body trying to figure out what the hell its doing.  This summer definitely didn't help, but it also didn't hinder too much.  I lost 3 lbs in 3 months and I will tell you that is an accomplishment from everything I did.

I went  on several vacations (I know how did I get so lucky).  Well it was a lot of hard work and a lot of saving.  Starting in June, I hit up Florida to visit the place where I used to live and people I worked with.  Worked out everyday I was there, despite a massive hangover from a long delay at the airport and a late night, ate pretty well and got some sun.  Weigh in on Wednesday was kind and I was down 0.8.

At the end of June I was on my way to St. Louis.  Poor planning on my part = eating crappy food in my car.  I also drank every night and didn't really “think” too hard about my meals, but you know what I ended up losing 1.2 lbs that week (one workout and lots of walking I guess).

Finally I closed out my list of “real” vacations with a trek to Vegas.  This one was a doozie (sp?).  I say that because in Vegas, you eat, drink, walk, “swim” and gamble…and that is exactly what I did.

I did have one more “get-out-of-town” event and I went to Toronto to go to a baseball game as well as see some of the city.   More eating and more drinking ensued.  Throughout the summer I also went to Tigers games, went out with friends and enjoyed my life.

All in all though, I lost 3.4 pounds in those months and I am happy to say that.

So here I am 36.2 pounds gone; an entire size down (possibly more, but I am not ready for that yet) and a happier, healthier me.

I have decided to resume blogging in hopes that it keeps me committed and focused to my end goal.  To stay with that I have created themes for each day:
Meditation Monday
Tuesday Troubles
Weight Watcher Wednesday
Thankful Thursday
Fun, Flirty Friday
Weekend Warrior

Maybe I will gather some followers on this thing.  Until tomorrow.